Friday, August 22, 2008

BlackBerry Storm Rumor Recap : Vodafone BES Issues, Software Update, Mass Hysteria

We figured that instead of making you comb the internets trying to hunt down the latest information on the BlackBerry Storm, we'd build a nice kind of reminder. Some of them are new exclusive information, and some of them are simply other things that have been floating around. Let's get into it ...

We 've learned that the UK Vodafone has absolutely no intention of selling Storm BES users until 2009. We're not exactly in the clear (from the two Vodafone Storms have been converted to your company after purchasing the BES), but we believe that is to say that there will be a direct-to-business sales of the handset. That should not be buying one as an individual and simply add the BES plan and converts it into the business account. We make every effort, said that the reason for this is to stick to the dead, that Vodafone is a device in the on-going hardware and software issues, it is to snuff for their corporate users.

For more information about problems with Vodafone BlackBerry Storm, hit Vodafone forum. You'll see an enormous amount of complaints signal reception, buttons falling off, and software issues.

BlackBerry OS Storm appears to be floating around in some circles. There was a lot of misinformation there, but the update appears to be real, and it is not now - Let's emphasize the word "NO" - available to the general public. As many times as you try to update Desktop Manager or in part the upgrade options on your device, it will not be anything at this time. We will of course keep you updated on this, but you do not get your hopes just yet.

Some Storm-BlackBerry users complained about the difficulties of pressing on the touch panel on the edge of their equipment. This is a mixed bag, and out of the five Storms took us two were excellent, and three were terrible. We have seen in this, our, and the remedy seems to be inserting a card or paper (you think that is?) Under the battery or the battery on top of a power batteries. There is no need. Simply return them and get them replaced today. It's not our problem, their problem.

Regarding the release of the BlackBerry Storm, you'll have a much easier time to obtain the unlock code from Verizon. Rather, it is simple, really. How long have an account, which is up to date without the past because of the fees and equipment in your account, you can call Verizon's Global Support number and request a code to unlock the handset. Nine times out of ten they'll give you the code still on the phone.

(Via The BoyGenius Report)


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