Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Wasted opportunity to improve STEM

The White House has announced the 85 names of Outstanding Math and Science Teachers! Yes! This is wonderful.No it isn't.What it really is -- a missed opportunity to truly improve STEM education by networking. By letting you SEE what they are doing.What they should have included? A twitter list of those who twitter. Already made for you.Every...

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Daily Education & Technology News for Schools 04/30/2011

YapTime Goes to School « YapTime Blog Another private communication website for younger kids and teachers to link as well as parents. Looks like a cool tool. tags: education learning digitalcitizenship Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are he...

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Thank you to everyone who voted for Julie! She won! #votejulie

Image by Terry Freedman via FlickrJulie with our dear friend Terry Freedman from the UK.Just up on the ISTE website, my dear friend and Flat Classroom co-founder, Julie Lindsay, is now an ISTE board member. Thank you to everyone who supported her run.And most of all, thank you to Julie who let herself run again. This was her third run. Most...

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Daily Education & Technology News for Schools 04/29/2011

ifttt / Coming Soon Toni Olivieri-Barton talked about this cool website in our Flat Classroom certified teacher last night. tags: education learning planning lessons teachers Mobl21 - Multiple Mobile Devices, One Solution Mobile devices are an important part...

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Upload Whole Folders into Google Docs

Google Docs is increasingly becoming a powerful file management tool with many new ways of uploading. It is very important as you upload more files to use tags and folders (color coding is great) to keep things organized.Folder Upload lets you upload whole folders to Google Docs.Optical Character Recognition option for images. This means...

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Daily Education & Technology News for Schools 04/28/2011

Flat classroom conference on vineme Playing with Flat Classroom conference on Vineme. Recommended by Angela Maiers - I'm still learning about it. It is using regular tagging AND time tagging. tags: education Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are he...

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

15 Fantastic Ways to Use Flipboard

Home Screen of my FlipboardFlipboard is a phenomenal reading app for the ipad and was the big reason I begged my family to give me one for my birthday.However, because so little content is really produced FOR the flipboard, you have to know how to add it. You only get two screens of content (for now) so use it well.To get Started...To follow...

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Give me a Hand

 I found this copy of my youngest son's hand on my desk in the office this morning. I'm running to get dressed in time to make it to school so I can get grades in the system for progress reports.It made me smile. As we watched the amazing golf classic, the Greatest Game Ever Played last week, we talked about the power that the 10 year...

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Daily Education & Technology News for Schools 04/23/2011

Internet safety for teens: Top 5 ways teens are getting into trouble online (and what you can do) | Sync™ Blog This is a good list but instead of the IRL requirement for friending - I do think that those they don't know IRL need some verification. tags: education learning safety Facebook privacy ...

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Friday, April 22, 2011

The 25 Thousand Dollar Tweet #tweettheresults

#tweettheresults hashtag on Twitter - official protest hashtagWe've seen people lose their job over Tweets and we've seen them get jobs through Tweets. We've seen marriage proposals and divorce notifications. We've even see Charlie Sheen earn six figures for a tweet.Now, we might just see the balance in someone's bank account change as...

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Daily Education & Technology News for Schools 04/22/2011

Earth Day 2011: A Billion Acts of Green® | EDN Educators' Network Earth day is Friday, April 22nd (the day this posts to my blog.) Get involved in the billion acts of green. tags: education earthday Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are he...

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Focus on your habits to shape your destiny

"Successful, happy people have good habits that are life enhancing." Brian Tracy, Focal Point loc. 203What You DO Makes YOU! Draw a line down the middle of a page. Make a list of the things you do EVERY day or almost every day. On the right side, list the end result of a person who does that every day. Some rights reserved by eren | thisvintagechicaExamples,Spend...

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Daily Education & Technology News for Schools 04/21/2011

NBC Learn and Turning Foundation Grant From turning Foundation:"The Turning Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, in partnership with NBC Learn and Turning Technologies today announced the Spring 2011 Classroom Improvement Technology Grant. The goal of this joint effort is to help educators develop 21st Century classrooms and improve achievement by providing effective, engaging technology...

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

When You Join -- Show Good Netiquette

Join Well Approving people in spaces takes a bit of time. It is so important to know that when you ask to join a wiki or Diigo group or grouped on Linked in that you let the person approving you KNOW why you want to join.When You Don'tIf you don't, you force the person approving to go through and look at your profile to determine if you are...

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Will You Unwire for a Day? Please issue the challenge and take our survey.

I have two very amazing young men looking over my shoulder as I write this post. They have a challenge and some questions to ask you and your students.We are looking for people and students who are willing to UNWIRE for a day. That's right. One whole day! Now, if you need to use technology for work/school that is ok. But, besides that we want your cell phone off, your xbox off, and even your TV off for a day.Are you and your students...

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24 Free Kindergarten Apps

Feel free to copy and paste and send this home.During the month of April is giving away 24 free apps on the iphone/ipod for kindergarters to celebrate Autism Awareness month. You can download all of the apps by typing in this address on the computer that you use to sync with your ipod/ iphone and it will download all 24 apps...

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Daily Education & Technology News for Schools 04/19/2011

Writing Better Blog Posts: What You NEED to Know | The Edublogger Excellent post from Sue Waters about writing better blog posts. tags: education blogging 24 Free Apps 24 free kindergarte apps from Download all 24 of these apps. (From The Edcational Technology...

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Free iAdvocate app to help Parents Advocate for Students with LD's.

The free iAdvocate app from Syracuse University (announced today) may just be the future of learning and helping parents advocate for their children with learning disabilities.If not, it is certainly the future of successful, useful grants to universities. What could be more useful than releasing free apps to help learning?It reminds me of...

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Monday Morning Pep Talk for Teachers

Laffy's Flickr PhotoStreamLike a gas tank running on empty, we teachers who give too much without refilling our tanks can start sputtering and stopping during the long haul of the last six weeks of schools. Dickens' "these are the best of times, these are the worst of times" are never more true.Let's contemplate the things that help us stay...

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