It looks like the Google Nexus 7 and the rumored iPad Mini will rain on Kindle Fire’s parade. While the fire won’t be extinguished entirely, the research firm’s sales forecast for the Kindle Fire has been dialed down. Instead of the predicted 14 million Kindle Fire sales for 2012, the figure is now set at 12 million units. With that said – it’d still be a respectable showing for an almost 1-year old device.
Things aren’t looking too bright either for the Kindle e-reader. Sales forecast for the device, where the number was initially expected to grow 30% in 2012, has also been revised. The e-reader is now predicted to grow at a 3% rate. The slowdown is attributed to several unfavorable circumstances, which include the removal of the device from Target stores, and Amazon’s preferential treatment of the Kindle Fire. Again, the number is nothing to sneeze at – as Amazon is still expected to sell about 15.9 Kindle e-reader units this year.
If it’s any consolation, Amazon is prepping up the release of several new Kindle Fire models this year – which should help the online retailer regain a solid footing in the tablet market.
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